Do You Move and #GetOutofBreath?

Do You Move and #GetOutofBreath?

Do You Move and Get Out of Breath?  Why Does This Matter? Do you know why getting out of breath during exercise is so important?  It’s simple: when you push yourself and your breathing speeds up, you’re giving your heart and lungs an essential workout they need...


Drinking Enough Water?  Why It Matters. How much water to drink each day? If your answer is less than 64 ounces (half a gallon), you’re probably not giving your body what it needs to function at its best.  Staying properly hydrated will support every part of your...
What does #HealthSpan relate to?

What does #HealthSpan relate to?

What does Health Span relate to?  Health Span relates directly to the quality and how you live your life. Health Span’s definition is ‘how you live your life.’  This includes the quality of your life. Quality of life is shaped by your actions with nutrition, exercise,...

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