What are Simple Habits for Better Sleep?
Good sleep doesn’t just happen. Good sleep is built on consistent, simple habits.
Good sleep hygiene practices will help your body and mind prepare for rest. This makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep every night.
Nighttime Routine with Simple Habits
A key part of quality sleep begins with establishing a simple routine to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down from the day. Start about 30 minutes before your bedtime with these simple steps:
Shut off electronics – Blue light from screens may interfere with melatonin production, which can make it harder to fall asleep.
Brush your teeth and empty your bladder – Taking care of these basics will signal your body it’s bedtime and help you to not wake repeatedly in the middle of the night.
Deep breathing – Try the 5-5-7 breathing routine: inhale for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, fully exhale for 7 seconds. Some prefer the ‘Box breathing method where you inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, and hold for 4 seconds before breathing in again. Breathing techniques help calm the nervous system and allow you to quiet the mind by focusing on your breathing.
By incorporating these steps into your daily bedtime routine, your body will begin to anticipate sleep, making it easier for you to drift off to sleep easily and naturally.
Optimize Your Sleep Environment
Sleep environments play a crucial role in restful sleep.
Simple adjustments:
Keep your bedroom a bit cooler – A slightly lower temperature helps promote deeper sleep.
Eliminate all light – Use blackout curtains and remove or cover small sources of light.
Set boundaries for your bedroom – Your bedroom should be reserved for sleep and one other thing. Bedrooms are not for TV or scrolling on your dumb phone.
Make these small and powerful changes, and you can improve your sleep quality. You will wake up feeling more rested and refreshed.
Try implementing them tonight, and see how much better you feel in the morning!
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